Response to a Comment
Anon wrote:
Anonymous said...I am actually surprised this post took this long to show up. The first part, "I have nothing to worry about and neither should you." A typical "Let them search I have nothing to hide and neither do any red blooded... blah blah blah". The truth is. You should be worried BECAUSE you have nothing to hide. How would you like it if someone skimmed through your personal records just to be sure you weren't doing anything wrong? Saddam's regime did things like that. Do you really want Emperor Bush doing that here?Works for me. I have nothing to worry about here. And neither should you. It's all mucky muck and the death throws of the NYT's is all.
Without the US free press would we still be fighting the war in Iraq? At what point during the war in Iraq did the US free press cross the line and openly support our enemies? And at what level did they give support and aide and comfort to our enemies on the battlefield while American soldiers were in harms way?
Inquiring minds want to know. If you have NOTHING to worry about than don'. If you do than, well, worry. Or move. Leave. Suggestion: Canada. Something. Move. Leave.
Second paragraph. Typical bullshit claiming the liberal media (which doesn't exist anyways)is somehow aiding Al Qaeda by reporting how Bush is breaking the law and the Constitution with every word out both his faces? If the commenter, which could not even leave a name, actually had any good point to make he wouldn't have to stoop to lying. I love this sentence: "And at what level did they give support and aide and comfort to our enemies on the battlefield while American soldiers were in harms way?". Despite the fact it's a complete lie, it gives me a visual of Peter Jennings spoon feeding strained carrots to Osama Bin Laden. Thank you for that. It made me laugh.
Finally, the last paragraph. It's the typical "If you don't like it, leave". He even throws in an oblique threat of me having something to worry about.
Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'm having too much fun pissing off the rednecks that can't form coherent sentences.
By the way, I tried to look up "mucky muck". All I could find was The Free Dictionary defining it as "A high muckamuck".