Ranting and Venting

You'll see links to news articles, snippets from interviews and other web paraphenalia. This will also be a dumping ground for various stuff that I might need to get off my chest. Hence the Ranting and Venting title.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

What if there really was a Liberal Bias in the Press?

This is funny! It's also one of those rare moments where you can just sit back a dream it were true.

John Kelly of OpEdNews.com writes:
What if you woke up one morning and went to your front walk and picked up your morning paper to find that overnight there had been a revolution and the press really had been taken over by liberals. What would it look like? I think it might look something like this.

There are great! Here is the first headline:
Republicans Push New Tax Plan

Today house Republicans voted unanimously to dump more disabled, poor children and seniors off healthcare, deprive hungry families of food and shut down Headstart programs across America so that Joe & Jane Millionaire can get another yacht. Further it has been decided officially that getting your money while sitting on your yacht (collecting dividends) is favored over actually physically working for it (wages) and as such millionaires will be excused from taxes on dividends and capital gains.

So right-wingers, tomorrow when you read the paper rest assured it is still in the control of its right wing corporate masters.

You can read the whole article here. Believe me, it's worth it.
What if there really was a Liberal Bias in the Press?


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