Ranting and Venting

You'll see links to news articles, snippets from interviews and other web paraphenalia. This will also be a dumping ground for various stuff that I might need to get off my chest. Hence the Ranting and Venting title.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Nobel winners accuse Bush of ignoring science

This article tells a lot of things we already know. Bush ignores science and worries more about what big oil wants him to do. This crap we already know, but it's good to keep getting it out. Repeat, people! Repeat!

From CTV.ca:
Two American Nobel Prize winners said Thursday they are worried about U.S. President George W. Bush's attitude toward science and accused his administration of ignoring important research findings.

"There is a measure of denial of scientific evidence going on within our administration, and there are many scientists who are not happy about that," said Roy Glauber, who shared this year's physics prize with fellow American John Hall and Germany's Theodor Haensch. Their research on the quantum nature of light has resulted in more precise optical clocks and measuring systems, and is used in today's satellite positioning systems.
More "well, no shit" moments:
Glauber also said some U.S. Congress members are more concerned about the political consequence of research projects than their scientific importance when they decide where to allocate money.

"(The projects) are not evaluated scientifically, they are only evaluated politically," Glauber said, but did not give details on specific projects. He spoke at a news conference after the three physics laureates gave a lecture to students and fellow researchers at Stockholm University.

Hall agreed that the attitude toward science in the Bush administration "does not go in the right direction."

More of the Bush Administration's well know shortcomings can be found here:
CTV.ca | Nobel winners accuse Bush of ignoring science


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