Ranting and Venting

You'll see links to news articles, snippets from interviews and other web paraphenalia. This will also be a dumping ground for various stuff that I might need to get off my chest. Hence the Ranting and Venting title.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Right's "War on Christmas": Hateful, self-involved, Racist

You can almost see what they're thinking.

“Remember the good ol’ days? When People would walk down the street and wish each other Merry Christmas? When you could go to your kid’s Christmas concert, and they would sing real Christmas Carols? When a ceramic baby Jesus was lovingly swaddled in a manger on the front step of every government building across the country?”

Then it follows:

“There was nothing wrong with those days. It’s just those damn (go ahead, pick one) that hate christianity and all religion in general. This is just a (pick another one) propaganda tool. Let’s get them back!”

Why is this happening now? Is Fox News trying to start trouble or are they trying to win ratings? Several days ago, I posted about an article from the International Herald Tribune. It starts off by stating the Conservative cause this season then goes on to mention what they didn’t tell you, or should have told you but lied about it (the article tries to be nice and calls it “rewriting history”).

Christmas was not a big thing in this country. The Puritans despised Christmas. “They could not find Dec. 25 in the Bible and insisted that the date derived from Saturnalia, the Roman heathens' wintertime celebration.” It started to slightly gain in popularity in early 1800s when Clement Clarke Moore’s “A Visit From St. Nicholas” (t’was the night before Christmas…) was published anonymously in the New York Sentinel on December 23rd, 1823. That Combined with Thomas Nast’s weekly drawings, in Harper’s which created the image of a white-bearded Santa who gave gifts to children. The new emphasis lessened religious leaders' worries that the holiday would be given over to drinking and swearing.

The Christmas we now know Started in the 1920s when the retail industry began sponsoring annual ceremonies heralding the start of the “Christmas shopping season”.

Religious leaders objected strongly. The Christmas that emerged had an inherent tension: merchants tried to make it about buying, while clergymen tried to keep commerce out. A 1953 Methodist sermon broadcast on NBC - typical of countless such sermons - lamented that Christmas had become a "profit-seeking period."'

One more thing that they are lying to you about. They claim that non-Christians have only started objecting to having Christmas forced down their throats within the past ten years, but that is not true. As early as 1906, “the Committee on Elementary Schools in New York City urged that Christmas hymns be banned from the classroom after a boycott by more than 20,000 Jewish students. In 1946, the Rabbinical Assembly of America declared that calling on Jewish children to sing Christmas carols was "an infringement on their rights as Americans."

Is that what they want to defend? Is it really about shopping? What is the real reason for their attack? This country is not a theocracy, nor is it a Christian state. When a store says “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”, they are not “disavowing” Christmas. They are acknowledging that there are more holidays in this time of year than just theirs. I think it’s a good thing, not to mention good for business. It’s not a good idea for a business to alienate an entire religion.

For Fox news to claim that Christians are being attacked and somehow discriminated against is an outright lie. It shows the bigotry and outright hate for people who are not like themselves. It pushes forward the idea that George W. Bush is not a democratically President but a Theocratic King. His reign bent on destruction of the Non-Christians in the new Crusades.

Is that was Fox Wants?


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