Ranting and Venting

You'll see links to news articles, snippets from interviews and other web paraphenalia. This will also be a dumping ground for various stuff that I might need to get off my chest. Hence the Ranting and Venting title.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Politics had a place at the funeral of political activist King

Judy Kirkwood writes:
The Coretta Scott King funeral provided an amazing history lesson as well as an intimate look at the woman. But comments from different sources in the news suggesting that political references at a funeral are inappropriate are completely off base.

King's life was devoted to a social movement that had to be political in order to be validated. Why wouldn't her funeral be political? She walked 50 miles (in high heels) to make the point that African-Americans be allowed to vote in a country in which they had the right, but not the means, because they could not register. That's a political problem.

The strange thing was that one of the four presidents there would have expected anything else. If he wasn't prepared to suffer some criticism of the results of his decisions, he should not have come. President Bush knew that Coretta King deplored the war in Iraq. She stood for nonviolence. Why wouldn't she? Her husband may have been assassinated by our own government the King family has never believed James Earl Ray was the killer. The Kings were victims of illegal wiretapping that was supposed to ruin their lives but didn't. Why wouldn't someone (former President Jimmy Carter) bring that point up as a parallel to what is happening today?

When Bush dies, it will be his funeral his way. He does not yet have the power to legislate what is said at someone's funeral.

The article can be found here:
Politics had a place at the funeral of political activist

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