Ranting and Venting

You'll see links to news articles, snippets from interviews and other web paraphenalia. This will also be a dumping ground for various stuff that I might need to get off my chest. Hence the Ranting and Venting title.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Brownie wants to talk all about FEMA and Katrina

It seems Michael Brown doesn't want to go down alone. His lawyer sent a latter to the White House saying that:
"As has been the situation since the outset of the various Congressional hearings regarding the response to Hurricane Katrina, Mr Brown has been and is prepared to answer and and all questions. He intends to answer all questions fully, completely, and accurately. Specifically, unless there is specific direction otherwise by the President, including an assurance the President will provide a legal defense to Mr. Brown is he refuses to testify, if asked, about particular communications he had with the individuals named earlier in this letter. His desire is that all facts be made public."
What it sounds like is, Brownie is tired of being the scapegoat. He wants to come clean and let the world know what really happened.

Or he's a puppy and wants Emperor Bush to save him.

From CNN.com:
Former disaster agency chief Michael Brown is indicating he is ready to reveal his correspondence with President Bush and other officials during Hurricane Katrina unless the White House forbids it and offers legal support.

Brown's stance, in a letter obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, follows senators' complaints that the White House is refusing to answer questions or release documents about advice given to Bush concerning the August 29 storm.

Brown quit as director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency days after Katrina struck. He left the federal payroll November 2.

In a February 6 letter to White House counsel Harriet Miers, Brown's lawyer wrote that Brown continues to respect Bush and his "presidential prerogative" to get candid and confidential advice from top aides.

The letter from Andrew W. Lester also says Brown no longer can rely on being included in that protection because he is a private citizen.

I wonder what it is he wants to tell the world. I hope it's good. Emperor Bush will probably want to keep him quiet, no matter what it is. It's just their way.

The entire article can be found here:
Brownie wants to talk all about FEMA and Katrina

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