Ranting and Venting

You'll see links to news articles, snippets from interviews and other web paraphenalia. This will also be a dumping ground for various stuff that I might need to get off my chest. Hence the Ranting and Venting title.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Audit Lays Bare Bush's Myopia, Naivete on Iraqi Insurgency

Audit Lays Bare Bush's Myopia, Naivete on Iraqi Insurgency:A newly-released audit from Congress’s Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction lays bare the stunning myopia, naivete and incompetence that accompanied Bush & Co on their march to Bagdhad.

As the AP reported:
Guerrilla attacks in Iraq have forced the cancellation of more than 60 percent of water and sanitation projects, in part because American intelligence failed to predict the brutal insurgency, a U.S. government audit said.
Leaving aside the question of whether America should have invaded Iraq in the first place, reports like this audit continue to highlight the near-criminal negligence of war planners who failed to anticipate the need for greater post-invasion security measures. The AP story continues:
American goals to fix Iraq’s infrastructure will never be reached, mainly because insurgents have chased away contractors and forced the diversion of repair funds into security, [according to the audit].
Senator Russ Feingold was right to seize upon the magnitude of this audit, saying in a statement:
The report makes clear that we are paying a heavy price for the Administration’s decision to lead us into war without a plan to manage the aftermath of the military operation.
Really, did anyone think the President was up to this job? Did anyone really believe that a man so ignorant of the region’s history and its people, so openly hostile to nuance, so un-flinchingly self-rigtheous, so contemptuous of international alliances, was the right person to try to re-fashion Iraq into a democracy?

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