Ranting and Venting

You'll see links to news articles, snippets from interviews and other web paraphenalia. This will also be a dumping ground for various stuff that I might need to get off my chest. Hence the Ranting and Venting title.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The George W Bush 2006 State of the Union drinking game

You feel as trapped as I do that the State of the Union address is on tonight? Although if you can handle it, you can watch the last hour and a half of Ocean's Twelve on HBO.

Or, you can do this! The George W. Bush State of the Union Drinking game! (Dubbya's favorite national pastime)

Here's how you play! From Workingforchange.com

1. Whenever George W uses the phrases: "national security," "tax relief," "activist judges," or "affordable health care," drink two shots of beer.

2. Whenever George W mentions the tragic events of 9/11, the last person to grab a toothpick, stand, and salute must drink three shots of beer. If you stab yourself in forehead with the toothpick, drink two more shots.

3. If George W actually says, "If Al Qaeda is calling you, we want to know why." first person to finish a whole beer gets to toss Li'l Smokies at any of the others until they finish their beer. Use the toothpicks.

4. If George W makes up a word like "strategerie" or "deteriorize," drink four shots of beer.

5. If George W speaks of Hamas and repeats his earlier statement that "it's good to see people are demanding honest leadership," the first person to stop laughing gets to drink one shot of beer then pummel Suit with empty shot glass. No head shots.

6. Whenever George W talks about bi-partisanship, the last person to grab his throat in a choking motion has to eat 4 Li'l Smokies.

7. If either the Vice President Dick Cheney or First Lady Laura Bush are caught napping, last person to sing "Wake Up Little Susie, Wake Up," has to drink three shots of beer.

8. Predict the number of applause breaks. Person closest to correct number may then force the other three to drink that number of shots of beer in whatever ratio they wish.

9. Three shots of beer if he mentions New Orleans. Five shots of beer if he mentions Brownie. Two full beers if he mentions Abramoff.

10. Every time Tom DeLay is shown in the audience, take turns throwing Li'l Smokies at the TV. Suit sits out. First face hit doesn't have to drink two shots of beer. Every time Hillary Clinton is shown in the audience, Suit throws Li'l Smokies at the TV. If he hits her face, everyone else drinks two shots of beer. Use the toothpicks.

11. Whenever George W quotes the Bible, last person to fall to their knees and cry "Hallelujah!" drinks two shots of beer.

12. Whenever George W smirks during a standing ovation, take turns drinking shots of beer until the audience sits down. Do it double time if his shoulders shake with silent laughter.

The newspapers are important, no thinking person can hold anything down when Bush Speaks.

The George W Bush 2006 State of the Union drinking game

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Blogger PTCruiser said...

If I have to drink that much beer, I might end up in a coma.

1/31/2006 12:38:00 PM  
Blogger Mindwolf said...

Another advantage. It would make the next few years with him in office seem a lot better when you're in a coma.

1/31/2006 02:07:00 PM  
Blogger PTCruiser said...

LOL, good point, Adam. After watching it tonight, I wish I was in a coma right now.

2/01/2006 01:53:00 AM  

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