Ranting and Venting

You'll see links to news articles, snippets from interviews and other web paraphenalia. This will also be a dumping ground for various stuff that I might need to get off my chest. Hence the Ranting and Venting title.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Where is the Accountability?

MediaChannel.org posted an article from HuffPo about the lies of the Bush Administration. I gotta admit, I'm as tired of it as the writer is.

Eric Alterman writes:
I’m getting more than a little tired of writing this, as I’m sure you are of reading it. But I persist, boring even myself, because I feel strongly that deliberately misleading a democratic nation into war is not just wrong, but a crime—an act of evil that taints everyone whom it touches.

You may convince yourself that you “know better” than the people’s representatives because of how dangerous the world is, and how smart you are, but if you have to lie to them to convince them of the rectitude of your cause, well then, you’re a despot, not a democrat. And you’ve no right to turn this nation into a despotism simply because 3000 people were killed on September 11, 2001. Take a look at this story buried in the Times today:

A high-level intelligence assessment by the Bush administration concluded in early 2002 that the sale of uranium from Niger to Iraq was "unlikely" because of a host of economic, diplomatic and logistical obstacles, according to a secret memo that was recently declassified by the State Department.

Among other problems that made such a sale improbable, the assessment by the State Department's intelligence analysts concluded, was that it would have required Niger to send "25 hard-to-conceal 10-ton tractor-trailers" filled with uranium across 1,000 miles and at least one international border.

The analysts' doubts were registered nearly a year before President Bush, in what became known as the infamous "16 words" in his 2003 State of the Union address, said that Saddam Hussein had sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.

The story by itself is only one piece of the puzzle, but really, when you add it all up: the various memos that have since been revealed, the reliance on Chalabi and “Curveball,” that drunk, lying Czech spy who made up the “Prague” meeting, the blackballing and smearing of all internal critics who raised questions, the Downing Street Memo and the deliberate BS-ing of Powell and his people, the illegal wiretaps, the refusal to release the content of the transcripts demanded by Bolton, etc., the refusal to acknowledge the many, many ambiguities in the intelligence on WMDs, the refusal to plan for an insurgency or even the maintenance of law and order, the decision not to go after Zarqawri, I could go on and on and on, and I do, all the go__amn time, as I said, earlier, boring even myself. But what drives me the craziest is that the very people who are supposed to protect us from irresponsible leadership don’t seem to give a damn. Look at the placement of the above story in the alleged ground zero of the so-called liberal media. Look at the fact that this is the newspaper that, more than any other, stands guilty of passing along the lies discussed above under the byline of its “run-amuck” reporter Judy Miller. Ask yourself where is the accountability in this system of ours? And how can you call us a democracy when it is literally nowhere to be found?

I'm tired of constantly being lies to by the conservatives in this country. I'm tired of the cowards that think the CIA hiding in your rosebush is a good thing. I'm tired of being told that it's OK to be spied on "if you have nothing to hide" I'm so very tired of this conservative bullshit in this country pretending that everything is someone elses fault.

Here's the truth. The conservatives are in power. The conservatives made all these choices. They are lying to you when they say it's the liberal's fault. They are lying to you when they say that Jack Abramoff gave Democrats money. They are doing all this for two simple reasons; money and power. They don't care about the people of this country or any other country for that matter. They do what ever they want to as long as it gets them more money or power.

Look at the power trip Bush is on right now. The idiot actually believes he has the power to ignore the Constitution. And because of the Republican controlled Congress there is nothing we can do about it.

The article can be found here:
Where is the Accountability?

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