Ranting and Venting

You'll see links to news articles, snippets from interviews and other web paraphenalia. This will also be a dumping ground for various stuff that I might need to get off my chest. Hence the Ranting and Venting title.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

U.S. interrogation tactics slammed

This is an article about the Human Rights Watch report slamming the U.S. as a Human Rights violator.

Estanislo Oziewicz writes:

The U.S. government's strategy of abusing terror suspects during interrogation has seriously undermined its credibility as a global defender of human rights, Human Rights Watch said yesterday. The conclusion was swiftly dismissed by the White House, which accused the New York-based rights watchdog of playing politics.

The report says that while the United States was not the worst violator of the international ban on torture -- China, among others, is lambasted as the world leader in executions -- it is the most influential.

"In 2005, it became disturbingly clear that the abuse of detainees had become a deliberate, central part of the Bush administration's strategy for interrogating terrorist suspects. . . . Other governments obviously subject detainees to such treatment or worse, but they do so clandestinely."

Evidence showed that abusive interrogation cannot be rationalized as the wrongs of a few low-level soldiers, the report says, but that it was a deliberate policy by senior U.S. government officials. The policy has made it easier for other states to likewise disrespect international law, says the 532-page report's introduction.

The entire article can be found here:
U.S. interrogation tactics slammed

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