Ranting and Venting

You'll see links to news articles, snippets from interviews and other web paraphenalia. This will also be a dumping ground for various stuff that I might need to get off my chest. Hence the Ranting and Venting title.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Daily Kos: Know Your Intelligent Design Creationists: Phillip Johnson

The Daily Kos posted an interesting article about one of the creators of Intelligent Design Creationism, Phillip E. Johnson.

DarkSyde of Daily Kos writes:

Prof. Phillip E. Johnson is a Professor Emeritus of Law at UC Berkeley and a senior advisor and cofounder of The Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture (Catchy name for a right-wing think tank dedicated in large part to discrediting science). As the story goes, following an emotionally exhausting mid-life reevaluation of some sort, Johnson was born again and eventually set out to destroy what he calls materialist science.

The mission of the Intelligent Design PR movement as originally envisioned by Johnson is not limited to attacks on evolutionary biology. They see all science as lacking a proper theistic basis. As best I can discern, Johnson and his ilk want every field of science and indeed all public policy to be held hostage to some vague theocratic organization, with members of their own ultra-conservative religious faith occupying those seats of power. It is in this context that Johnson uses evolution to attack science. He calls evolution the 'thin edge of the wedge' with which to 'split the log of materialism open'. Much more below.
There extra space on your Ultra-Conservative Theocratic enemy list? Put a star next to him.

Read the rest of it here:
Daily Kos: Know Your Intelligent Design Creationists: Phillip Johnson


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