Ranting and Venting

You'll see links to news articles, snippets from interviews and other web paraphenalia. This will also be a dumping ground for various stuff that I might need to get off my chest. Hence the Ranting and Venting title.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Emperor Bush's Fight Against The Constitution

Bush Push in Congress a Sign of Fear and Weakness:
The Bush administration's full-court press against the Constitution is on, with the president getting closer to Senate, and possibly full Congressional approval of his warrantless spying program by the National Security Agency, and with a lobbying campaign on to get his program for kangaroo courts and life-time detention without trial for terror "war" detainees approved by Congress.

It's staggering to see this happening after a federal court just ruled that NSA spying without a show of probable cause is a violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Fourth Amendment, and after the US Supreme Court just ruled that Bush was in violation of the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of POWs for refusing to treat the detainees at Guantanamo in accordance with US and International Law.

One might think this to be a case of a powerful president just steamrolling the courts and the Congress, but I think it is not a sign of strength, but rather the desperate act of a man who sees impeachment in his future, and who is acting while he can to try to cover up a few of his crimes.

For while the list of this president's crimes against the Constitution, the Republic and the People of the United States is long and ugly, the truth is that the two areas where he is the most vulnerable to impeachment are precisely the two that he is working so hard now to make go away: the warrantless NSA spying program and the abuse of the detainees at Guantanamo and elsewhere.
There are 8 weeks before the Elections. They have that long to steamroll through Congress changes to the laws so that all of Bush's illegal actions will be retroactively wiped out.
Even if the president succeeds in twisting enough arms to win approval for his kangaroo court at Guantanamo, it will not erase the fact that for five years he has held captives (including children as young as 7!) from the War in Afghanistan and from his program of kidnapping people all around the world in detention without recourse to a legitimate tribunal, and without protection from torture and abuse, all in violation of not only the Geneva Conventions, but of U.S. criminal law. Even if he succeeds in getting the law changed to allow him to spy on Americans without a warrant, Congress has no power to waive the Fourth Amendment, which requires probable cause before the government can seize property and monitor communications.
What are the Democrats doing about it? Nothing.
[...]The Democratic Party is making a huge and historic mistake by urging Congressional Democrats to sit on their hands while Republicans debate these crucial issues, and by having campaigning candidates for Congress duck the issue of President Bush's impeachable crimes. First of all, it is insulting the intelligence of the American voter for Democrats to pretend, as does House minority leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), that impeachment will be 'off the table' if Democrats retake the House in November. Of course Democrats will hold impeachment hearings in November; they will have to, if only to challenge the president's claim that he can ignore acts of Congress by issuing 'signing statements.'
It's up to us, people. Use your vote in Congress to remove the Republican fascists and then we can go after Emperor Bush. The Democrats have once again failed to create excitement in the Democratic voting base.

I'm telling you right now what our rally cry would be, IMPEACH BUSH!

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Was the 2004 Election Stolen?

It is very important that you read this entire article. It makes sense and is has facts and evidence to back it up.
Like many Americans, I spent the evening of the 2004 election watching the returns on television and wondering how the exit polls, which predicted an overwhelming victory for John Kerry, had gotten it so wrong. By midnight, the official tallies showed a decisive lead for George Bush -- and the next day, lacking enough legal evidence to contest the results, Kerry conceded. Republicans derided anyone who expressed doubts about Bush's victory as nut cases in ''tinfoil hats,'' while the national media, with few exceptions, did little to question the validity of the election. The Washington Post immediately dismissed allegations of fraud as ''conspiracy theories,''(1) and The New York Times declared that ''there is no evidence of vote theft or errors on a large scale.''(2)

But despite the media blackout, indications continued to emerge that something deeply troubling had taken place in 2004. Nearly half of the 6 million American voters living abroad(3) never received their ballots -- or received them too late to vote(4) -- after the Pentagon unaccountably shut down a state-of-the-art Web site used to file overseas registrations.(5) A consulting firm called Sproul & Associates, which was hired by the Republican National Committee to register voters in six battleground states,(6) was discovered shredding Democratic registrations.(7) In New Mexico, which was decided by 5,988 votes,(8) malfunctioning machines mysteriously failed to properly register a presidential vote on more than 20,000 ballots.(9) Nationwide, according to the federal commission charged with implementing election reforms, as many as 1 million ballots were spoiled by faulty voting equipment -- roughly one for every 100 cast.(10)

The reports were especially disturbing in Ohio, the critical battleground state that clinched Bush's victory in the electoral college. Officials there purged tens of thousands of eligible voters from the rolls, neglected to process registration cards generated by Democratic voter drives, shortchanged Democratic precincts when they allocated voting machines and illegally derailed a recount that could have given Kerry the presidency. A precinct in an evangelical church in Miami County recorded an impossibly high turnout of ninety-eight percent, while a polling place in inner-city Cleveland recorded an equally impossible turnout of only seven percent. In Warren County, GOP election officials even invented a nonexistent terrorist threat to bar the media from monitoring the official vote count.(11)

Was the 2004 Election Stolen?:

U.S. War prisons legal vacuum for 14,000

Once again the Bush administration have proved why they care little for humanity, the Constitution and just about anything except their profits.
In the few short years since the first shackled Afghan shuffled off to Guantanamo, the U.S. military has created a global network of overseas prisons, its islands of high security keeping 14,000 detainees beyond the reach of established law.
14,000, FOURTEEN THOUSAND people were captured, questioned, tortured, and held for years without so much of a reason why they were detained.
Captured on battlefields, pulled from beds at midnight, grabbed off streets as suspected insurgents, tens of thousands now have passed through U.S. detention, the vast majority in Iraq.
Can you imaging what would have happened if Emperor Bush got his way and did that here like he wanted? Remember when he tried to give the army the power to enforce domestic law like police? There would be riots, uprisings, bombings, attacks, and general civil unrest. Just like what's happening over there.

We're causing the problems in Iraq. They've been getting worse since they got there.

Bush got what he wanted though. Oil company profits are higher than they've been in human history.

U.S. war prisons legal vacuum for 14,000:

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Friday, September 15, 2006

U.S. Report on Iran Dishonest

In yet another example of this Republican Government lying to the American people and the world; the IAEA in Vienna blasted back at a report published by a House committee calling it "outrageous and dishonest".

The letter, obtained by The Associated Press on Thursday outside a 35-nation board meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency, says the report is false in saying Iran is making weapons-grade uranium at an experimental enrichment site, when it has in fact produced material only in small quantities that is far below the level that can be used in nuclear arms.

The letter, which was first reported on by The Washington Post, also says the report erroneously says that IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei removed a senior nuclear inspector from the team investigating Iran's nuclear program "for concluding that the purpose of Iran's nuclear program is to construct weapons."

In fact, the inspector was sidelined on Tehran's request, and the Islamic republic had a right to ask for a replacement under agreements that govern all states relationships with the agency, said the letter, calling the report's version "incorrect and misleading."

"In addition," says the letter, "the report contains an outrageous and dishonest suggestion that such removal might have been for 'not having adhered to an unstated IAEA policy barring IAEA officials from telling the whole truth about the Iranian nuclear program.'"

Once again, the U.S. is trying to start another war with a Middle Eastern country.

The House commit (House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence) tried to defend them selves saying:
"All IAEA complains about is a photo caption. If you read the report, it's very clear that what it is saying is that Iran is working to develop the capability to enrich uranium to weapons grade, not that they have done so," Ware said. "They use a string of adjectives, while not pointing to any substantive criticism of the report. There are areas where we would disagree with them. A disagreement does not make what we say erroneous."
The report said that Tehran was making weapons grade uranium. Not that it was trying to make it.

You know what this reminds me of? When the IAEA and Emperor Bush last tangled. Remember what was about? Weapons of Mass Destruction! Bush and the Pentagon said he had them, and the IAEA (along with the rest of the world except lapdog Blair) said he did not. Bush said he had proof. It turns out he didn't. He made the whole thing up so that he could invade Iraq, destabilize the region and drive gas prices through the roof.

Wait, didn't he have an oil business he was chairman of?

What's their next step? When do we invade Mexico?

The elections are coming up people. Cast your vote and let this government know how angry you are at them!

IAEA: U.S. report on Iran 'dishonest' - Yahoo! News

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Monday, September 11, 2006

Koppel on Discovery :: Town Meeting

I just watched the "Koppel on Discovery" show called The Price of Security. This is nothing new for Ted Koppel. While at Nightline, Koppel brought plenty of American audiences together too — for a gathering in Tampa, Fla., to discuss health care; in Decker, Mich. to discuss domestic terrorism; and in Houston, Texas to talk about disaster management.

I wanted to give a light critique of the show. It lasted about an hour and a half and had a very wide range of invited guests which ranged from both sides, Republican and Democrat. Ted Koppel himself tried to stay out of the discussion himself as much as possible. Althoughh it seemed he wanted to say much more. There was a few times he fired back. One time was when Zoe Baird spoke about Wire tapping and Call intercepting. She how there is a discussion of the legality of this. Ted Koppel fired back about how the Government did this without worrying about the legality of it until they were found out.

Overall, I found it informative but at a very high level. There was a lot of talk (from the Republicans) about how this is a difficult time and the administration is doing a great job in providing security to thAmericanan people. I was very amused at thalmostst apologist attitude the former and current Republican governmenofficialsls took when speaking about or nearly about the government.

I found the thing slanted a bit to the right for me. I think that is only because of the people invited, Government Officials, People who co-authored the USA Patriot Act, and three or four Tom Ridges.

I did find one person that actually said something of value. His name is Alamdar Hamdani and he is the Director of the ACLU of Texas. He said of how he represented people who were just like him (he was the only Muslim in the room, as far as I could tell) and were approached and questioned by the F.B.I. He said that he understood why people looked at him with jaundiced eyes when they look at the color of his skin of find out he is Muslim. What he could not tolerate is when Government looked at him with jaundiced eyes. He was actually put on the No Fly List.

Hmmm... I wonder why? Could it be because he is a terrorist? Or is it really because he has views that differ from the administration.

This was just a shallow scratch at the surface of the problems we as a people face with this current administration and the World.

I would love to see this discussion continue in every home and street corner in this country. Would we need to involve the government? We would not have to. They are already listening.

Discovery Channel :: Koppel on Discovery :: Town Meeting

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